但其後法官 Peter Taylor 獲委任進行調查,報告指責當日警方人流管制失敗,特別是突然打開本應是出口的通道讓大批球迷同時湧入球場,是導致慘劇的主因,沒有證據顯示有大量球迷醉酒鬧事,或沒有買票就入場。 "the main reason for the disaster was the failure of police control."
報告又遺憾警方作供時一味將問題推到球迷上 "It is a matter of regret that at the hearing, and in their submissions, the South Yorkshire Police were not prepared to concede they were in any respect at fault in what occurred."
因應多年來都有死傷者家屬要求當局公開更多政府資料,20年後的2009年,政府再次委任獨立人士調查,結果在2012年公布,同意慘劇主因是警方人流管制失敗,強調沒有球迷要為事件負責 "no Liverpool fans were responsible in any way for the disaster."
是次調查又披露,在上次調查時,大量證人的證言被改成對警方有利 "The findings concluded that 164 witness statements had been altered. Of those statements, 116 were amended to remove or change negative comments about South Yorkshire Police."
我有時都跟人講,現在這個世代,記性太好或者讀歷史太多,真的是罪過。英國歷來流血的暴動真是多不勝數,如果香港一班學生包圍人就叫 mob rule,那英國簡直是 land of mob rule,英女王好應該出來道歉 (事實上有首相是間接因為這些暴力事件下台),香港的親中派也絕對不要將孩子送去英國讀書,不但危險還有機會學壞。
剛剛寫起兩個歷史人物。1943年2月22日,納粹德國政府用斷頭台處死了2名大學生。他們叫 Sophie Scholl 和 Hans Scholl,是一對兄妹,是慕尼黑大學學生。他們4日前因為在校內派發自製的反戰和反納粹傳單而被補,之後隨即被特殊法庭判叛國罪成,處以死刑。他們在庭上對自己做的事直認不諱,慷慨就義:
"Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did."
"Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?"
事實上,投票選政府,本身就應該是納稅人的最大權利,當年美國脫離英國獨立,最多人講的口號就是「無代表不納稅」(No taxation without representation)。事緣當年英國本國不斷向美州的殖民地國加稅,美州人走去查文件,發現英國大憲章和權利法案都寫明,政府徵稅必須得到大眾/國會同意,那英國政府沒有諮詢問美州人就徵稅,英國國會又沒有美州代表,即是違法啦!所以要麼給美州人政治權利,要麼就不徵稅,兩樣都不肯,就唯有起來反抗這個違法的英國政府了。