wiki 圖片:劍橋大學在2010年學生示威時的大字報 |
今早看新聞,說有親北京的港大校務委員,投訴當日校方遲遲不報警對付學生,批評英國人校長馬斐森處理不當,又要求追究學生。大學是一個獨立自主,不受政治干預的地方,從來都是盡量不讓代表政府武力的警察入校,美國很多大學甚至有私設 (即校方聘用) 的「警察」。馬斐森的不報警、不追究學生的處理手法,也是很多英國大學處理學生示威的做法。
例如筆者昨日文章都有提到過,2010年英國大學生抗議政府將大學學費激增2倍,多間學校發生佔領行動。其中倫敦大學學院 UCL 有間 Jeremy Bentham Room 自11月24日開始被學生佔領 ,一周後校方始警告學生必須離開,否則會採取法律行動,但又同時肯定了學生以和平方式示威 (ps Jeremy Bentham 邊沁是英國18/19世紀著名學者,也是 UCL 創辦人之一):
(1 dec 2010) University College London says it will seek a court order to evict students unless they leave voluntarily. Students have been occupying part of the university for eight days in a protest against raising tuition fees......The message from the university thanks students for the peaceful nature of the protest and "acknowledges that you feel very strongly about the proposed cuts to higher education and rise in tuition fees".
(8 dec 2010) A spokesman for UCL said talks with the students to bring the occupation to an end were continuing. The order gives UCL the legal right to forcefully remove the protesters but a university spokeswoman said they were "not choosing to go down that route".
(10 dec 2010) Following further talks between UCL management and occupiers, the occupation at UCL has today come to an end. UCL has regained possession of the two occupied areas, the Jeremy Bentham Room and the Slade School of Fine Art, which will be cleaned and restored over the weekend, and back in normal use from Monday.
An agreement was reached that UCL would not pursue costs against occupiers if the buildings were vacated by 4pm today. This has been adhered to, and UCL will therefore not be pursuing the costs it has incurred. We are still in talks regarding a contribution with regard to the cost of removing the extensive quantity of graffiti all over the main quad.
在 google 翻查這宗新聞時,筆者又看到新聞說我以前讀過的 LSE 今年也有過佔領行動,發生在今年3月:
(18 mar 2015) Students at the London School of Economics have occupied a central administration room at the university in protest at what they call the marketisation of higher education. The group of about 40 students used bicycle locks to barricade themselves in the Vera Anstey Suite of LSE on Tuesday night and have remained there since.
A statement from LSE commended the students’ desire to achieve change. “On Tuesday evening a group of approximately 20 students occupied the Vera Anstey Room in the Old Building at LSE, highlighting a broad range of demands relating to higher education,” it read. “LSE was founded for the betterment of society and it is clear that this principle continues to be a guide for many of our students. Exchanges between the group and LSE security staff have been positive.”
校方 commend 了學生的主張,根據 google 上找到的翻譯,commend 解作「推薦,嘉獎」。
(30 apr 2015) The London School of Economics is taking legal action against students who have been occupying a central administration room since March. University management sent a letter of eviction to students on Wednesday night, informing them that they must leave the occupied premises by midnight or risk the university taking legal action to regain control of the building.
The occupation of the Vera Anstey Room came to an amicable and peaceful end on the evening of 30th April. This followed a lengthy final discussion with the goal of ending the occupation by agreement rather than legal action. LSE has a long tradition of political engagement and dissent and the School recognises this as a legitimate part of our intellectual community......At the same time, a number of events had raised concerns in the School that continuation of the occupation posed security risks, safety concerns and disruptions. This made it hard to balance the opportunity to express dissent with the well-being of the whole community.
校方不會追究學生 LSE will not pursue disciplinary or legal action against participants in the occupation
校長會發聲明支持學生的理念 The Director agrees to make a public statement advocating for education to be treated as a public good
最後,同樣是校委但卻是教職員選出的袁國勇教授 (雖然盧乜茂也是教職員代表...),話中卻有很多有趣的訊息。他說「我沒有這個政治能力」和「領袖應該有化解矛盾的能力」,是否指現在某些領袖沒有化解矛盾的能力?「香港現在失去化解矛盾的能力」和「尤其是過去三年」,三年前就是2012年7月,我們假設是2012年7月1日好了,當日香港發生甚麼重大政治事件後,令政治環境每況越下?「要對學生公道一點」,是否現在有些人對學生不公道?還有,既然他是教職員選生,現在辭職會否舉行選舉,是否一場「辭職公投」?唉,港大風波,有排都未完。