以英國工黨黨魁郝爾彬為例好了。他支持廢除君主制,又支持分裂英國 (北愛加入南愛),又支持自決 (蘇格蘭有公投權),又支持修改英國憲法 (成為成文法),卻從來沒有被質疑宣誓不真誠而被DQ:
Corbyn is a longstanding supporter of a United Ireland[276] and reportedly described himself as an "anti-imperialist" campaigner for the region in 1984.
Corbyn would prefer Britain to become a republic, but has said that, given the Royal Family's popularity, "it's not a battle that I am fighting".[281][282]
On the issue of Scottish independence, when asked if he would consider himself a unionist, Corbyn said: "No, I would describe myself as a Socialist. I would prefer the UK to stay together, yes, but I recognise the right of people to take the decision on their own autonomy and independence."[283]
As Leader of the Opposition, Corbyn was one of the sponsors for the Constitutional Convention Bill, which was an attempt at codifying the UK's constitution, which has not been compiled into a single document.[285][286]
更極端的例子,是前北愛爾蘭地方政府副首席大臣 (deputy first minister) Martin McGuinness。他曾是愛爾蘭共和軍高層,而愛爾蘭共和軍不單要求北愛加入南愛,更使用恐怖襲擊來逼英國政府就範,最有名的是曾放炸彈企圖殺死戴卓爾夫人 (失敗),和炸死英女王親戚蒙巴頓伯爵 (成功)。但這段往史沒有令 Martin McGuinness 擔任北愛副首席大臣時被DQ。
另一點為人詬病的,是官司處理速度。選舉在2016年進行,到2018年才宣判,還未計後面堆積著其他參選人的選舉呈請/司法覆核。當日梁天琦提出司法覆核時曾要求緊急審理,但法官以沒有逼切性為由拒絕。到目前為止,已經有7個人共8次因為政治審查被DQ (陳浩天、賴綺雯、中出羊子、梁天琦、陳國強2次、周庭、劉頴匡),而且第二次選舉都黎緊了,真係好冇逼切性囉。仲有好明顯全港選民損失了投票選擇對象這一點並不在法官考慮內。